أبرز المواضيع

رسميا نادي باريس يعلق إعفاء ديون السودان

الخرطوم . وكالات _ ترياق نيوز






رسمياً: تعليق برنامج إعفاء ديون السودان وكل الاتفاقيات التي خرج بها مؤتمر باريس وأصدقاء السودان في مايو 2021، ففي بيان صدر من نادي باريس في ساعات متأخرة ليلة أمس: ‏(وقع نادي باريس اتفاقية متعددة الأطراف مع السودان ولكن بعد عزل القوات العسكرية للحكومة الانتقالية في السودان تم تعليق التوقيع على الاتفاقيات الثنائية المنفذة لهذه الاتفاقية متعددة الأطراف إلى أن يتحسن الوضع ويستأنف تنفيذ برنامج صندوق النقد الدولي ‏يواصل نادي باريس مراقبة الوضع بعناية ، بالتعاون الوثيق مع صندوق النقد الدولي ومجموعة البنك الدولي).





( The Paris Club has continued its actions to implement the Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative (Enhanced HIPC Initiative) through an agreement to restruc ture Sudan’s external public debt concluded on 15 July 2021.

This enhanced HIPC initiative consists of a two-phased approach and was introduced in 1996 to reduce the external debt of low-income countries to a sustainable level. The first phase, known as decision point, opens access to interim debt relief; final debt relief is provided at the end of the second phase, completion point. International financial institutions have established a list of 39 countries eligible for the enhanced HIPC Initiative and to date, 38 countries including Sudan have reached the decision point under the HIPC initiative.

The Republic of the Sudan reached the decision point of

the Enhanced HIPC Initiative in June 2021. Representatives of

the Paris Club creditor countries then agreed with the govern ment on the restructuring agreement for the Sudanese external public debt. In addition to Paris Club members, representatives of the Kuwait Development Fund, the Saudi Fund for Development and the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development and the Czech Republic also participated in the meeting as observers.

In light of the recent events and the removal of the Transi tional Government of Sudan by the military forces, Paris Club members have collectively assessed that the bilateral agreements cannot be signed until the situation improves and the implementation of the IMF program resumes. Paris Club members will continue to carefully monitor the evolution of the situation in close coordination with the IMF and the World Bank Group.)

#ParisClub 2021 report on #Sudan (chapter 3): “In light of the recent events , PC members have collectively assessed that bilateral [#debt_relief] agreements cannot be signed until the situation improves & implementation of the #IMF program resumes.”

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